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Water the most precious liquid resource available though in abundance in the saline form in oceans and seas is of little use to mankind.
Fresh water resources limited to our river network and rainwater needs to be used prudently to meet the various needs of mankind.
Many substances dissolve in water since it is considered to be a universal solvent, Because of this, water in nature and in use is rarely pure and some of its properties may vary slightly from those of the pure substance. |
Sewage Treatment Plant |
Treatment Plant, or
domestic wastewater treatment, is the process of removing
contaminants from wastewater and household sewage, both
runoff (effluents) and domestic. The task of designing and
constructing facilities for treating wastewaters falls to
environmental engineers.
Effluent Treatment Plant |
effluent after primary treatment will be subjected to
secondary treatment. The major goal of this treatment is to
remove soluble Organic Pollutants by oxidation &
settling. This involves bringing the active microbes in
contact with waste water which consume the impurities as
food. These organisms; in presence of Oxygen (O2), convert
the biodegradable organic matter into Carbon Di Oxide (CO2)
water, more cell material and other inert products. With the
help of this the total BOD reduction will be 90-95%.
Waste Water Recycling |
Household waste water consists
of black water and gray water. Black water, which is water
contaminated by sewage, comes from your toilet. Grey water
is wastewater generated from domestic activities such as
laundry, dishwashing, and bathing which can be recycled
on-site for uses such as landscape irrigation and
constructed wetlands. Grey water differs from water from the
toilets which is designated sewage or black water to
indicate it contains human waste.
Black & Grey water composes 50–80% of residential
wastewater generated from all of the house's sanitation
equipment. |
Reverse Osmosis / RO Water Filter & Purifier System |
Reverse osmosis (RO) is a separation process that uses pressure to force a solution through a membrane that retains the solute on one side and allows the pure solvent to pass to the other side. Ideally suitable for underground water to remove high dissolved solids from water & make it suitable for drinking. |
& Many More
All Types of Water Treatment Plant :
Water Treatment Plants, Water Purification Systems, Water & Effluent Treatment Plants, Air Purification & Treatment, Advance Oxidation Systems, Rain Water Harvesting, Solar Water Heaters, Ultra Violet Technology & Swimming Pool, Effluent Treatment Plant, Sewage Treatment Plant, Bio Tower Plants, Bacteria Colony, Bio Reactor, Water Softening Plant |
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